Yes, I admit it, the uzi is a high quality sub machine gun, and it is widely used. What I cant understand is whay some people would base an entire series of flash animations around it.
Yes, I admit it, the uzi is a high quality sub machine gun, and it is widely used. What I cant understand is whay some people would base an entire series of flash animations around it.
it's a nic gun
BEST uzI union flAsH EVER
That was actually quite funny, I was expecting somthing like a loop or somthing that was suppost to be annoying, however I was wrong. But atleast I was wrong and watched it so voted fair. Certaily deserves a better score though :(
The intro is the same as in most, I don't mind sitting through it since it isn't long and well it is also somwhat nice to look at, lol. As for the graphics in the flash itself, they are very nice and some pritty nice animation where there is some. I can't see how you could add more to it and make it work at the same time.
The sound, nice, I don't care if you used computer voices or not, in this case they sound nice though, I mean they are clear and in some way also add to the humour.
And the story itself, nice, I thought it was funny, short but nice, it didn't drag on and it also had a very good ending to it, unexpected and at the sametime, funny ;D
Overall, very good job, I look forward to seeing more flash like this and possibly some more of your annoying stuff, whatever you decide to make. Good job here though :)
oh hey thanks@
Well.... Um.... How... Was there actually a decent Uzi Union flash for a change.... I feel wrong not blaming this.... but it is such a higher standard then what I am use to from Uzi Union.... Now if only the other members of the Uzi Union would step up to this level.
lol, not bad.
I would have like to have seen what he done with tis plot of land, but oh well...
But yeah. i understood it perfectly lol.
Nice Job.
it's a shame he died before he was able to use it