Voted 5...
...Because of Kashmir ^^
This is my Second Flash, and an 8th Grade school Project on the Abyssal Zone, which is a Layer in the Ocean. Please give it a fairly good rating for long enough for it to be viewed by my teacher. Thank you to all viewers. I realize that the lypsync is vastly off, but that only happened after I uploaded the movie to Newgrounds. If anyone knows why this happens, please tell me! thanks
Voted 5...
...Because of Kashmir ^^
I was impressed with the voices- All yours!? Its usually obvious and lame when an author tries to do all the voices. Some of the sound quality is poor and needs replacing as it is hard to hear. The sea spider is largly inaudiable and the clown fish sound when it is eaten is poor.
I liked the angler fish narator and the sound/music generally seemed well chosen and planned.
Some links to More Info at the end would help.
A diagram of where the Abyssal Zone is would look good. One satellite pic from above and one cutaway view from the side, maybe all in More Info buttons at the end.
True lip sync is hard work, but makes a lot of difference. To get the angler fish to truly talk to us would take a lot of time, but the results would be great.
Its doing OK already, but this could be reworked into a 3+ resubmission if you care to take the time on it and could even lead to a successful series, should you choose.
Best Wishes,
Discovery Channel,maybe...
Well I wasn't quite sure what to think of this. I actually thought this was some kind of dark film...but yeah guess I was wrong.
It's not really funny, you did try though, obviously is some kindof project you decided to submit here and the attempt to educate ushas been ruined by sound being totally out of sync at points.
Sorry but not my cup o'tea.
If you want to try again(by all means) then properly align your audio and a bit more detail is needed in the animation.
educational? pleeeease...
sorry man but u gotta leave your school projects where they belong. plus the sound is off, and some of the tweens are outta lace like the spider thing.
the reason that happens is...
if i remember correctly, the sound setting is off and if you don't test your movie (Alt+Ctrl+Enter) or something you wont catch it, i believe you have to have your sound setting on something, i want to say streaming, using the options at the bottom of the flash creator screen,