Yo awsome
I can't wait until I see the red cat and the cool microsoft word text in the actual movie!
I even loved the backround crackling sound too!
In a land where rationality was banned for it's "obscene take on, like, freedom, cats!" as King RedCastle might say, the Weast was one... with the Sorth. Yes, This land Is... RedCastle Funstar. And the hit games that made little - no sense are coming back, in movie form. And this -- this is their trailer. Viewer discretion slightly advised; also advised is to watch it again, because it contains one or two distractions... and goes quickly in 60-second-movie-trailer-form.
Yo awsome
I can't wait until I see the red cat and the cool microsoft word text in the actual movie!
I even loved the backround crackling sound too!
Well, a red cat does sound like a good idea! Thanks! Too bad you won't be getting any credit! Also, I don't have Microsoft Word. I made those graphics myself, in Flash -- glad you like them, though.