I am in complete and utter awe.
You have made something truly special here. I liek... a lot!!!!
MAKE MOAR!!!!1111@!1
Yeah... Duck and KK got lost at desert...
I am in complete and utter awe.
You have made something truly special here. I liek... a lot!!!!
MAKE MOAR!!!!1111@!1
Nice,this kk's flash is impressive.
I really liked this flash,the animation was good and the graphisms were fun.
Are you really a man from KK ?
No seriously,it's better and better than the others.
And,ahahha,it was too funny when i've seen the french stereotype.
There was so much better shit done later. KK should've have an afterlife collection.
Interesting indeed
Compared to some of the other KK stuff, this flash is AMAZING! It was funny, it had good graphics (for the most part), and catducks are amazingly awesome. But the only thiong I dont get is did the duck and the cat have sex?
ok, that was quite strange...
a duck and a cat are in the desert, they try to eat "spam" and then get killed by an army of catducks.
this lacked originality. lol, joke.
I think there was a bit of humour in here...somewhere. o.O
Pointer: Next time, add a storyline. Hoorah.
Storyline is minion of SATAN !
i loved this sooooooo much its hillarious thank you from catowl