"This is very...dissapointing"
Hey, you and I think alike, evil dude. This series is starting to dissapoint me too.
"Trixy baby, anything you need."
"Lights off.... .. ..... ................. ...... ........... . ..lights on."
Needless to say that dude is starting to creep me out.
Look, I've said in a previous review it is so far a good series, and it is. It is simply starting to dissapoint me. Alot of work was put into it and I think that may be the problem; when so much of a series is good the bad things in them stick out like a sore thumb. Problems: Predictable, non-realistic, problems with characters, etc.
I think this may possibly be one of my last reviews for this series as it seems to be going downhill (I dont mean to sound stuck up) and I dont think I should bother to write another.