I didn't like that much but it was alright with the graphics and that, it was done good which was nice too see, try and fix up the sound it was all over the place which made it feel poorly done nice try anyway :)
Here is a quick flash that I made, it took me about an hour. Hope you enjoy it.
I didn't like that much but it was alright with the graphics and that, it was done good which was nice too see, try and fix up the sound it was all over the place which made it feel poorly done nice try anyway :)
the sound....well no need to explain the screaming
i also think your animation isn't exactly amazing, but alright
wow.. that was interesting.. not really,
you know how to confuse someone ill give you that!
if you want to make sense in your next movie ill watch it.
I can't stop watching!
I don't know why! It's just so great!
I actually liked it!
When it first came up, I was about to quit it, but then I realized it would be funny, and it was! This was a nice little short, and was great for an hour of work. Kudos and Zhewicki!