Weird but awesome
It's great, I love your stuff. It reminds me of weird 60-70's pop art that has sort of a political message
This is a commentary on contemporary culture, 5 minutes of T.V flashing around with the remote control coupled with the radio on in the background and whilst reading my e-mails and text messages, here is the imagery that my deranged mind produced from all of this imput.
Weird but awesome
It's great, I love your stuff. It reminds me of weird 60-70's pop art that has sort of a political message
My eyes were glued to the screen
It was very abstract and interesting what kind of loops your mind was doing. It came out quite good. In my understanding it was something about work that turns people into 1) robots, doing the same thing over and over again - looking the same 2) Turning into primates, evolution going backwards 3) Canibals, eating each other.
If this was any close to the mindset, I totally agree. Thats what the business world is like.
Very Random
Very Random, what can I say.. ?_?
Its to early to watch something this weird
I dont know if its my twisted personality or a lack of morning
caffeine, but this hit a 9.3 on my weird shit o' meter. All in all if you were going for freaky strange and odd, ten you win and good job.
Seems Familiar
Hi, overall I liked that anim it somehow reminded me of "The Wall" with this whole machinal system, there were also a couple of very strong images I liked, like seing Hitler feed on Gandhi's body. But quite frankly i also have to say there was alot that is quite hard to interpret.
Anyhow good work!