I can say "MY CHILDHOOD :O")
Laser War 2 is a simple game, the main concept of which is to destroy enemy tanks by either shooting them or laying mines.
Be sure to check out the original laser war!
I can say "MY CHILDHOOD :O")
Awesome man!
10 cuzz I just started using AS and its a bitch, this had to be hard!
First off, thanks for the 10.
Well, it wasn't easy. BUt it wasn't increadibly hard. You get used to AS. :)
has potential
im new here, and this is my first review... this game has SHITLOADS of potential but needs to be given better scenery, graphics, and weapons effects. for the lazer things i suggest playing chaos faction for a guideline of how to make a kick ass laser in a game
Hey. First, thanks for the review.
Second, aout what you said. I know I could work on the graphics, scenery, and weapons effects. However, my intuition at this point is that it will take longer to make then the game, and as the game is geered toward gameplay anyway, won't really change a lot.
I planned this game to be something I could construct within a week of work, not a month. The point of the game was to be a fun thing you could play and be addicted to until you beat it, but not after that. Maybe later games will be more long term. But I'm happy with tis one as it is.
u didnt die when ur out of lives and this is quite a good game anyways but a bit boring
1) The lives on the bottom are EXTRA lives. Die when you don't have any, and then it's game over.
2) Thanks. I tried.
3) Sorry if it's boring. May I not that I introduced a new enemy every 3 levels so that it wouldn't groow dull.
Great premise
I really enjoyed this game. The simplistic style of game play was amazing. The short load time got me right into the game and i could play it while doing something else.
Things to improve upon:
*Obviously the graphics, but not too much. Do not sacrifice load times for better graphics.
*Possible multiplayer? I think it would be fun to play with someone else locally or over a network
*Possible small upgrades (bomberman style)? Examples being shield (deflect one hit) or rapid fire?
*On the firing note, put the bullet code into an array so that each bot/player can have more than one shot at a time. Change it so that after a certain interval of time you can shoot again.
Once again, loved the simplistic it was. Do not try to make it better with storylines or anything, keep it fun and simple. Keep up the good work and develop this a little more, it could be great.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep it in mind.