im the only one here who read the subtitles and when it was loud... you know :)
The Sequel to Ohflol, even less of a plot (there is no plot)
GermanSoldierLock and WiiLock collaborated on tis to create complete awesome. vote 5
im the only one here who read the subtitles and when it was loud... you know :)
That was just damned funny.
Total Trip
I likied it, but I like a lot of things that make no sense and are very random, and this was just good, I thought so anyways.
hey thanks dood
You might aswell take a dump on glass, call it art
I really dont see anything good in it, its weird but not in a good way.
theres aplenty of good in it, lets see..
Flash by thisnameisnottaken:
- none -
you don't even have anything to have anything good in!
you're awesome but not in a good way!
Yay for Grampa!
Well...I liked the smiley face to the left and how he had rocket ship powers. I also liked the inclusion of Grampa from "Hey Arnold!" and Pee-Wee Herman...other than that...this movie didn't have much more going for it...I'm not opposed to a lack of plot, but if that's what you're going to do, then try to make it funnier, I guess. I didn't find random vulgarities, JPEGs, suicidal smiley faces, and that overused "Apple of my Eye" song to be very funny. Good luck with your future animations.
hey thanks