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Invasion of Iwo Jima

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Invasion of Iwo Jima Part 1 is the first of possibly numerous Iwo Jima projects. Not only is that one of the reasons why it appears short-lengthed, but also because I was on a time limit (school project). Still though, I believe the amount of work that was put into it was quite enough. Thanks Kevin for the borrowed music. It really gave the project an overall better feel to it. I hope anyone who plays this enjoys it. PS. Take 10 seconds to read the "Help" page, it may help. ;-) PPS. Better computers will show a more desirable result. Sorry if your computer's slow.

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the flamethrower part was VERY wrong. you should have him be AI controlled. also, why does a flamethrower run straight up under withering fire? in the face of a battery that was in plain sight?


did u do that opra like singing is fomr medal of honor front line and its actually a guy singing it XD

Very good :0

This is a very god flash i would say i like the flags of our fathers theme and the machine gun nest flamethrower theme too. As i am saying i am very proud of this world war 2 submission as it is better than all the other ones.

More a movie …

Pretty good! The film part was prett neat, I couldn't help but laugh when the guy got hit by the shell though … hehe pwn'd.

The game part was really short, just 4 enemies? Ugh … and the guys hiding behind the rocks were really hard to hit, and no health? C'mon their shooting at you! Why would you live for 30 seconds against a few hundred bullets and die to some crappy shell? Psh …

idk what to say expet good game

i like suck at this game but its relli fun and interesting i love the game... i never got that far into the game but it id relli good i would tell my friends to come play this game it is one of the funest games on new grounds.

Credits & Info

3.27 / 5.00

May 31, 2007
2:38 AM EDT