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Going the Distance

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Author Comments

I submitted one early and know i did a different one. I may fix the other one into a better movie.

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Finally you finish it, what was that like 5 months? Anyway great job on this, as far as lines fbf'ing around you did an above average job, mainly because of the fps.

If you wanna get in on Goldfish 4 or something I'm startin it soon, it'll raise your BA to above 3.00.

Yeah and hopefully you can start finishing more stuff, I'm glad to see you 'finished' this, even if it's not the whole song.

Keep at it.

Woozle responds:

Sure i'd love to get on gold fish 4. Thanks but its been finished for along time, just haven't posted it.

Its an OK flash..

It was good, but not fabulous. Whats up with the ending? It just sorta.. ends. Other than that though good submission.

Woozle responds:

Thanks man, i think ill do more work on it later.

Good idea some of it was iffy but good

Good Flash i give it the mile stone of a 5 was very creative but kinda lacked any graphics but better than alot of the crap flashes out there that people just randomly do in 4 sec but a great style of flash

Woozle responds:

Thanks man. Do you think i should make it longer or leave it as it is?


As random as it was, atleast he has decent creativity.

Woozle responds:

Thanks for the support man.

i did not get it.

What that was so random and short. I will not be adding it to my favorites. so try to make a better one. just do better

Credits & Info

2.90 / 5.00

May 30, 2007
6:21 PM EDT