Woo, another Bananaish episode! Hillarious stuff this is, haha, love it. Keep it going!
Just a simple compilation of Ape Alliance members' flash.
Woo, another Bananaish episode! Hillarious stuff this is, haha, love it. Keep it going!
its not as good as ur last 1
i preferd the first 1 than the second 1 it wasnt that funny it was bad have a look at ur last one and think how u could make the 3rd 1 better (if u do make a 3rd 1)
finalmente, mio dios!
thank god there's finally an NG group that isnt dedicated to spamming the portal. while the animations werent very good (the second one seriously sucked, and the third one.... well its just not nice to make fun of dead people), i protected you cuz you guys have a good message: no more portal spamming! but keep in mind i only protected you this once out of relief. im hoping for better animations from now on, and most of all, never start spamming the portal!
go apes!