not bad
u shouyld get more humor any ways this is too short and good job >>>: P
This one's for the kids.
not bad
u shouyld get more humor any ways this is too short and good job >>>: P
Uuuuuh yeah. The only bit I actually laughed at was the end. Brought to you by the letter #!
It was great, but I felt I was going into shock
There were just so many damned colors
Lovin' it
Seriously good. I really like the coloured graphics - like on the start up screen - try multiplyin the loading bar figure by 100 to get a proper 100% figure. other than that i think - funny, simple, effective - overall really great - one of the best ive seen today.
The loading screen was dumb - when it's complete, you put 100%, not 0.98% - also, this MAY degrade you.