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Temporal Determinism

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Temporal Determinism is the theory that you, the person you are Now, can only control yourself for a few seconds, then your someone else with the same memories but different consciousness. You are not real, The choices have already been made, they have just not yet happened, You can't change the future or the past, Your now in control for 10 seconds, then your gone!

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What exactly were you aiming for here?

What exactly were you aiming for here? I mean, the graphics were kind of cool, and the music isn't to my taste (but I'm sure it suits some) There really wasn't a point exept to make people aware of this theory... Which I think is bogus, because why would something as natural as the human mind be affected by a concept spawned of the brain? Time, time is a concept created by humans. So scince the beginning of time all creatures were affected by this ten second rule? I don't think so.

WARTORIOUS responds:

What exactly were you aiming for here, i personley was trying to make it go in the water! I mean, the toilets were kind of big, and the sounds of the toilet isn't to my taste (but I'm sure it suits some) There really wasn't a point exept to make people need the bathroom in this theory og peeing... Which I think is bogus, because why would something as natural as the human mind be affected by a concept spawned of the toilet? Gravity is also spawned of the human mind yet I am still not flying into space you silly American Times reader, times is a newspaper created by humans. So scince the beginning of the times all creatures were affected by this and voted for New labour!

Credits & Info

2.00 / 5.00

May 22, 2007
7:02 AM EDT