It was fun but...
After I got to 54 the rabbits stopped coming but the moose logos still came up. I dunno if I just didn't wait long enough or what. But yea other than that it was great.
EDIT: If it runs slowly on your PC lower the quality, some people say it does, which I don't notice because my PC pwnz0rz B-)
Squash some rabbit heads in your car! Runover the mooseisloose logo for +4 seconds time!
It was fun but...
After I got to 54 the rabbits stopped coming but the moose logos still came up. I dunno if I just didn't wait long enough or what. But yea other than that it was great.
Shit on computer
Shit on my screen It look fun but my computer made it suck
not bad
the game wasn't bad. twas fun, and who doesn't find thrill from running over rabbits? no one. however, once reaching to the number 50 of dead bunnies, the respawn rate declined. this made it really difficult to progress in bunny kills. the moose head was a nice touch, but was to easy to get to, and the game had no conflict nothing to stop u from not killing bunnies. i say add some eagles or something that once hit, reduces ur score. but not bad of a game
it declines to make it harder =) also the moosehead was originally bad and made you lose points but a friend told me to make it into a time bonus so I did :p
My lame self can't even get 30+
Good game you got here. Maybe the concept has been done before but it's worth protecting, I guess.
I'd play more, but the highscore system will make me look like a loser.
p.s. the last review was unfair.
thanks =p lol how can ya not get 30+? xD you could just hide under another name so nobody would know the bottom half of the table is all you, I had to do that when it was in beta xD
same concept kill kar but by the looks of things, there was more effort in that game than there is in this, keep up the "good" work though
=o your just jealous because I can score 54 and you can't =p