I forgot about that door with the eyeball. I always got stuck on it as a child because I didn't know what to do. Today, I came back to it after years, beat the final boss, and realized how dumb I was.
*NEWER UPDATE! 5/21/07 (Now Available!)*
P - Pause
A - Jump & Pop out of toaster
S - Attack
SPACE - Pick up weapon
SHIFT - Run/Boost
Arrows - Move Left/Right/Crouch & Aim crossbow up/down
[ Q | W | E ] - Map to the three weapon slots on the top of the HUD
***NEWER STUFF*** (5/21/07)
- Boss fighting more balanced
- Changed miniboss platform behavior
- Crossbow shooting glitch fixed
- Black screen glitch fixed
- New easter egg at very end of game, try and find it :-P
**NEW STUFF** (5/17/07)
- Boss Added ;)
- Storyline conclusion when boss is defeated
- Butterbats will shoot back :D
- Hey, new sounds! :O
- Cave updated, slightly new gameplay :)
- Health Packs (hearts) and Extra Lives added :>
- Eastereggs :3
- All levels updated! ^_^
We've updated much of the game, please take the time to vote again and review if you haven't already if you like what you played!
I forgot about that door with the eyeball. I always got stuck on it as a child because I didn't know what to do. Today, I came back to it after years, beat the final boss, and realized how dumb I was.
w. . .t. . . aaaaaaaa BUTTER!!!!! WHAT!!
This game is the reason why I don't like octopus xD
why does it end after the jeloctopus boss fight?!?! it was so fun!!!!
This was the game of my childhood that my big brother played for me