RIP Headphone users.
I searched the portal and to my horror their were no "Magic School Bus" parody flashes, so here you go. The Magic School bus, learn about science, morals and even friendship =) Don't be shy now and be sure to leave a review! Click the submit to collection buton, and click Funny Cartoons!
RIP Headphone users.
What the hay?
I can find "friendship"
I can find "is"
I can find "magic"
but I can't find any ponies!!
What is this sorcery?
yes thay are..
germs are green the ones on tv thay are green ass holes dont know about germ
so get smart
funny so funny hihi
Yet another case of something good that couldv ben SOO much more!
AndI would LOVE to see somr good clifferd flash on here
Just as long as atleast one of thoes girls gets pregnant(Emily elizabeth by one of the human boys(Cough!(Charly!)(Cough!)
make it like e tru holywood story or something!