By all that is good and wonderful in the world, you sir, are a god among flash creators. Not the best of animating, and the rare slow framerate was positively annoying. But you pulled it off, you captured me... you made me escape to another world and feel like I was part of it. I was anxious to see what happened next, I was broken when he lost her, and ending with the lamp in the sand...... I want to see more. I want to see an entire series, maybe even a full length movie.... I don't want you to work too hard or stress yourself out, but good god.... I love your style, your fluidity, your overall flash ability. If it were possible to hug you and congratulate you with a pat on the back and a firm handshake... I would. I will be watching you now... you have made me your fan in under five minutes. Keep it up..... I can't wait to see the next one.