that escalated quickly lol
This is my second ever animation and my first non-stick animation not including the hour collabs and i had HUGE problems with it.
This wasn't what i started off doing what i started with i put on hold becuase it's going to be a very long flash so i decided to just do a fight scene. It was longer and better than this A LOT better but my file became corrupted a few days before Pico Day and i had to use a decompiler to get it back.
When i got it back it had all sorts of errors tons of stuff was unfixable and the rest was fixable but i didn't have enough time to get it to a good standard and thats what im left with. Even the sound had errors i couldn't get it to fade out thats why in the flash it stops dead. And if you look carefully you can see random frames where the arm is missing and stuff i'm really disappointed with this it looked good until i lost the file.
Anyway even though this movie is total crap at least i have something to show for all that work even if it's crap.
that escalated quickly lol
Great animation! I think it was too short, though. The credits music was also too loud.
the best animation of my live LOL XD
joci10 s' review are igual than my review