Okay, that ending joke REALLY got me, you get points just for that (it being short helped with that)
Ok I think this is my better flash in all my life i put a looooooooooot of effort in it and its of course to celebrate picos day so plz enjoy it.
EditOh thank you so much im really really happy because this is my first submission not blammed thank you thank you so much ^.^.
Ok and heres the comment of the guy who made the voices Vitor.
Vitor Araujo: Well, here's the movie, and it's not supposed to be the best movie ever, we had no time so we decided to do just this little crap for contribution, and yes, I can voice act better than that XD.
Okay, that ending joke REALLY got me, you get points just for that (it being short helped with that)
that was super retarted omg i didnt think it would get any gayer than this omg thiswas gay as fuck
Hah! i liked it, it was very smart. I like where it was aimmed ;)
Not that good of a flash but you did what you could so you get an A for effort.
fuckin crapy