Rofl I spazzd out
Lol, it's fun mashing the keys dide to side, and it's frustratingly fun. But what does this have to with longcat? It has a good song, but it doesn't really have a point to the game...
I made this game over the process of today, This is my first attempt at a semi full game, Quite simple, hit the arrow keys to get to the top, except the key combination keeps changing!
Rofl I spazzd out
Lol, it's fun mashing the keys dide to side, and it's frustratingly fun. But what does this have to with longcat? It has a good song, but it doesn't really have a point to the game...
I got to the top of the bar... like 3 seconds, but nothing happened. The 4 stars is 4 longcat.
It makes fun, but it hurts when you play this game for a long time.
Hail Longcat
Time for the STORY OF LONGCAT.
"Once a cat that was long and owned by a man,
Who posted its photo on the net from Japan.
From 2 then to 4, it was smuggled 'twixt 'chans,
Doomed to be stolen again and again."
(Great game!)
I'm having the same problem as Noisebot, all I see is a little white bar on the bottom of the screen and a red background with a timer.
But its fun to mash my arrow keys in!