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Learning Flash: Basics 1

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Learning Flash: Basics 1 (updated version)


Basic Multimedia Web Page

This is a tutorial for people who're totally new to flash, and want to know the very basic stuff. It doesn't cover animation, but if you guys like it, I'll consider making Learning Flash: Basics 2 - Animations, which will cover basic animation in Flash. Tweening, frame by frame, effects... etc.

AND. If you like that one too, I may make Learning Flash: Basics 3 - Interaction.
That one will cover basic actionscripting, buttons etc.

Hope you like it.

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do i need a flash preloader?

do i need a flash preloader to crate the web page and thank u 4 the tutorial

Alcadizzar responds:

You're welcome :]
No, you don't need a preloader, but it's a good idea to have one. Maybe I should make a preloader-tutorial one day. ^^


that was a good tutorial

Alcadizzar responds:

Thanks ;]


Why are all the people asking for music? Don't they have media player and their own mp3s? I prefer to play my own music rather than be forced to listen to someone elses stuff. Anyway good tutorial.

Alcadizzar responds:

thanks dude ;)

Flash tutorial made using Flash...

This will be useful for people who don't know how to make flash. (like me. -_-; ) But some background music would be nice.

Alcadizzar responds:

thanks dude! ^^
like I said to a couple of other guys, I actually removed the music, 'cus people complained about it :D maybe I should choose a better song, and set the sound to off on default? Think I'll do that if I am to make another one ;)

Quite useful for beginners.

Some of the people in my web page design class should watch this, cause they don't have a clue what they're doing. Not that I can blame them, the lessons are confusing.

I found the music part of the tutorial particularly useful, as I want to have music in the animation that I'm working on eventually and had no idea how to do that.

Alcadizzar responds:

Wow, that's really good to hear! :O thanks mate! ^^ Yeah, flash-lessons in classes often are pretty confusing.. When our teacher showed us flash, nobodu understand shit. I knew more about flash than all of my teachers combined XD it's a pitty

Credits & Info

3.85 / 5.00

Apr 29, 2007
1:40 PM EDT