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Outback And Beyond

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I made this quite a while back now, when HALO PC was released. I wrote the script and got my good friend Sinius (also here at Newgrounds) to play the interviewing MC, while using Halo PC and Fraps 2 to film the visuals. Some of the jokes are actually aimed at Halo PC (it was a pretty awful port of a brilliant game), and so many of you may not understand a few of the underlying themes.

Please enjoy and I look forward to any comments ;)


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I liked this movie.

It was funny but that australian voice got annoying!!!

Smills2k7 responds:

Eek sorry! I'm not an Australian so I can only try my best to replicate the accent :S But it's good to see you found it somewhat funny ;) Thanks

I love it

It was the best! I like the idea for Flash To Machinima!
I'm a Aussie and i understud every word

Smills2k7 responds:

Hey! I went through an online Australian slang dictionary before making this flash, and took out random lines that I thought I could put to some good fun use ;) It's good to know a REAL Aussie actually understood the stuff I could only at the time summise as utter nonsense! Cheers ;)

Australia Sucks...

...but this was ok. I've seen a lot of halo based machinima, and this is above average.

Smills2k7 responds:

I know that it isn't technically such a great feature, considering that it simply is me wobbling the mouse a bit while recording with Fraps. There wasn't much that I created on a visual level. My aim was perhaps to get down some silly dialogue that some would find funny... and some have ;) Cheers

What my dog just puked up.

Totally self explanetory. I don't know whether this is supposed to be a guide to humiliating visible idiots, or a crude attempt at humor. You can do better.

Smills2k7 responds:

Arg... sorry! I personally don't find the humour at all crude... especially considering the amount of flash at Newgrounds using sexual remarks to get a rise out of people. I myself am British and so thought myself qualified to take the piss out of both ourselves and the Americans in one fell swoop. Australians just seem to know where it's at ;)

Credits & Info

3.00 / 5.00

Apr 21, 2007
7:16 PM EDT