Your getting better...
Your getting better, but you need to fix just a few more bugs and add a few things. Here are a few suggestions.
1. Add laser blasts from enemy ships, the follower only rams you.
2. Add bosses for every 5 times you goto the shop.
3. change controls from mouse to arrow keys or W,A,S,D.
4. Have weapon upgrades and enemy hp, instead of 1 hit they explode, EX: You start with the blue laser thing, the next time you goto the shop you get a weapon upgrade, so instead of 3 hits kill, it's 2 hits kill.
5. (addition to 4.)Have the weapons like mistiles or different lasers.
6.The BUY LEVEL UPGRADE is useless, you should just have rounds of ships and you goto the shop then you goto the next level, also have a moving pick-up that teleports you to the shop.
Well those are my 6 (5) suggestions, please keep them in mind before you submit this thing again.