All I can say about is HOLY SHIT and BIG RIP OFF OF NARUTO
Part two of the series. Amy finally catches Sonic when an old nemesis appears. Unfortunately I couldn't fix some the lag issues I had when I played it on a PC but I hope you still enjoy it.
Edit: Added a scene from part 3 to this one to reduce the file size.
EDIT:For all those morons who are complaining that "ZOMG!111 AMY CAIN"T DO DAT!111!!! KIL DAT PINK BITCH!11!!1" remember that this is a PARODY involving FICTIONAL VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS. It is NOT SUPPOSE TO MAKE SENSE OR BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. And just because she killed some character doesn't mean they're dead. If you play the games Espio's not decapitated, Eggman hasn't been impaled and Mario hasn't been disintergrated with a Spirit Bomb. ONLY THEIR ORIGINAL CREATORS CAN KILL THEM OFF FOR REAL NOT ME.
Sorry for this rant but it's annoying that a lot of people can't deal with a fictional character fictionally dying in a completely un-official, fan made story.
All I can say about is HOLY SHIT and BIG RIP OFF OF NARUTO
amy can't do any of that shit but it was fun
not bad for the starter, bro!
btw, what's the music in the moment, where she fights against mecha Sonics?
no animals where harmed during the making of this video :D
(you know that the sonic characters are animals)
that bitch is crazy