not bad
you probly could of done better
Pokemon themesong with me singing my new and improved Yugioh lyrics XD One of my earlier flashes i made this XD so enjoy! Vote 5 and get a Cookie XD and it might b a chocolate chip one too =P I know my singing suks but it only makes the flash funnier XD hahahahahaha... ha.. ha.... not buying it?
not bad
you probly could of done better
just too short
sry but i cant even rate
cant even rate this.. this is the worst piece of flash around.. get out of newgrounds
its not bad...the horrible singing is wat makes it funny to me haha
The 2 things i hate mixed into 1.
The voice sounded like a reli stupid person was singing and it was about the 2 things i hate most the part about pegasus or however u spell it was kinda funny i guess but try mixing cooler things together.