Guy below me and guy above me have it right. This is hillarious, despite the noobish graphics. Good job! :D
Serious Suggestions for Improving The Graffix:
-Start with rectangles.
-Move the corners to where the body part should start and stop.
-Curve the rectangle's lines to suggest more complex shapes such as arms or legs.
If you're using Flash 8, you'll want to keep your body parts seperate using "Object Drawing" mode. If you're using an older version of Flash, you'll need to seperate everything into different objects or layers, which is a little bit of a pain in the ass, but it's worth it.
Use thick lines for a more stylized look, try to avoid uneccessary details, and if you're using Flash 8, make the corners Square for a sharper look.
Good luck! :) This is gonna be a tough act to follow, so work on imrpoving your drawing ability!