Randomly hilarious, good job.
Have fun watching this, because I had fun making it!
EDIT: :O Easter Collection! Thanks tom!
Randomly hilarious, good job.
Hehe, you commented on my birthday :)
nicely done
good job, although i agree with the guy before me, dont do clocks next time, dude... ya need to improve on the voices to... sounded a little cloudy to me! nice work, though
that was prettty funny man. Nice work. I wish I was as good at flash as you. My warhammer one has all horrible reviews. Could you pm me and give me some tips or something pleasE? Thanks.
Nice work.
Also how long did this take?
Hey add me on msn themightygumball@hotmail.com and show me your flashes and i can give you some tips ;) and I did it all last night started at 23:00 finished at 4:00 in the morning...YAY XD
Good idea you just need to work on your animation and find a good voice site.
I'm quite the lazy person XD But yeah my animation does need work I totally agree with you thanks for reviewing and happy easter D:
Not that bad.
Eh, it was alright, but I just didn't care for it.
Ah well, they cant all be super reviews but y'know it happens thanks for reviewing and happy easter!