Evil Creature?
i dont like it that much cause i like klay world and it looks like you copied off him so i give u an 8 other then that pretty good
This is part 1 of a 3-5 part series. And sorry for the shitty voices I really need a new microphone.
- dumassstudios
Evil Creature?
i dont like it that much cause i like klay world and it looks like you copied off him so i give u an 8 other then that pretty good
But the voices were crappy so get better and i will love it
this is a very funny and good claymation and yes u realy do need another mic
that was great! just improve the mic quality and you will be fine. you could be the next knox!
thanks, this is a really old movie haha
ummm hmmm
yea knoxs style and that has the same plot as boogy monster sooo im sceptical.
Hey knox isn't the only one that can make claymation! I just used the figures, not the same plots as his.