so true and very compelling
i agree this gets the message out, and im surprised it isnt on tv.
This is something I slaved for several hours over in the course of five days for a scholarship.
so true and very compelling
i agree this gets the message out, and im surprised it isnt on tv.
Thanks you
I'm glad people get the message. It'd be a great honor and surprise if this made it to television but if the website I made this for has the power to, I don't think it'd be aired for quite a while. I just submitted this less than a week ago after all.
Well done and it has a powerful message. They should put this on TV. Very good, I hope you get that scholarship because this deserves it :)
Thanks I really hope so, too.
??under review??
wats wrong with it??? it could only get better with more detail but still good enough to not get blammed *gosh*
Everything seems to be fine now. Yay for now being blammed! Thanks for the review Uber-Dude ^_^
Come on people, let's make a difference!
Yeah, take that Pollution Man!!!
i've enjoyed watching this. It's well co-ordinated and nice choice of music btw =)
i would say that this could be used as an educational material to younger kids.
Wow really? Thanks I appreciate your review