why don't you continue this Xiao style fight short? It's awesome, man.
Started as a Xiao style fight short, ran out of ideas, decided to ZA WARUDO it up. Enjoy..?
why don't you continue this Xiao style fight short? It's awesome, man.
Toki wo tomare...
ZA WARUDing something makes it better... ALWAYS!!
Nice movie, but a bit short. Keep it up!!
How do you get those huns doors and windows in the pivot? And where do you get the sound clips? You can email if you want at roboboy97@gmail.com thanks! Nice video!
Not bad
You had the road roller but not the world..............meh its still a Dio Brando attack
You, sir, are a god. That WRYYYY came out of nowhere, and I freakin' loved it!