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The Principal's Judgement

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Author Comments

This is my first flash submission to Newgrounds. All critique is welcome.

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I liked it

Was the best and only Silent Hill flash i have seen. It looked pretty good, but i would reccomend taking the little bit of extra time to animate the guy's neck moving instead of it just being cut and put at a different position. I would also reccomend a little more detail in the scenery, because i have seen some really good flashes get blammed because they had crappy backrounds. Overall though, i thought it was great, and keep up the good work.

DethIsCreeping responds:

This sucks compared to Silent Hill 2 CE. You need to watch that.

A few suggestions...

First, if you cut someone in half...you need blood. Second, even if you are going for the surreal theme, don't let your heads attach from your bodies, it just looks shoddy (unless its being cut off ;) ). For a first try, not too shabby. Keep trying!

Very different

But I like it :)

Creeepy though. Really creepy.

Great job!

I love it, keep 'em coming man, keep 'em comin'!

wow, ur messed up!

and i love how messed up ur mind is :] keep em comin! =D

Credits & Info

3.87 / 5.00

Mar 26, 2007
6:38 PM EDT