man that was great
i loved this, i just loved it
cute character, unique plot and great choice of music
if i ever made claymations i want it to be like yours
(and yes i do know who knox is)
im recommeding this
a Stop Motion project made by my classmate and I.
Enjoy watching
GM studios
man that was great
i loved this, i just loved it
cute character, unique plot and great choice of music
if i ever made claymations i want it to be like yours
(and yes i do know who knox is)
im recommeding this
a really great and classy clay toon
they just dont make cartoons like that anymore
and it's quite a shame
the animation in this one is just a reminder how clay
use could still produce high quality enjoyment
with just the right care and innovation
great stuff
It's `AdemA` from Elsf :]
Well.. em.. all what I have to say its WOW. Seriously, liked it, alot.
Smooth animation and cool idea... Good job!
Thanks you very much ^^
That has been the first time ive ever seen a claymation use a real human body part, and actually work. That part with trying to get the key was great, but the orange guy seems a bit slow, since he could easily walk around the door.
Please insert a movie preloader, on slow connections there's too lagging. And I suggest you to remove the white stripes on the sides of the movie.
The Pre-loader have just been added, though I'm not quite sure what causes the white stripes, so for now, we'll have to live with them. Thanks for your review.