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super attack mountain

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This is "decent"
But like everyone else says most of the flash is not colored. :(
Also I noticed that this dosent really make any sense at times!
What i did like was the parts that have a slight 3-D element.

paddy-ryan responds:

The black and white moments are the fbf bits that I enjoy drawing fast, to colour them in would mean going though frame by frame puting tons of differnt colours in.

Make the finished product before you submit.

The graphics of this flash were quite crude, and many times not colored in. Also, the plotline itself seems incomplete. You should have finished the animation in all of the scenes and made a decent ending (with credit roll) before sending this in.

paddy-ryan responds:

Credit roll?, I made it me what a credit roll that would be I was making a flash not a film

Good if improved upon.

I got lost a couple of times, and not JUST because I'm retarded =P. Try next time not making your fade outs go blank, even if you hae to put some filler in there, because I thought you might be going to a different topic or somethin, anyway, least you're submittin and I'm not so I can't talk much, but keep at it lol.

paddy-ryan responds:

Its pritty much just filler adding anything else would just unbalance it.

The music is seriously messed up.

Ok, you absoloutley MUST fix the music. It plays before the movie starts, and when the movie is over and goes back to the preloader, it still keeps playing. You need to put a stop command in there dude. Anyway, it was weird and it looked like you did a lot of frame by frame so ok, I passed it. Good job. 3/5

paddy-ryan responds:

I know the music is a bit off but i wanted to put this on ng befor my computer dies I will try to fix it soon.
thanks for the review

It rolled very smoothly

It was donr smoothly and rolled well, I wont blam it but it just dosent make any sense

paddy-ryan responds:

I made it one frame at a time so it will only make sense to me,
Thank god ya' didnt blam it

Credits & Info

2.65 / 5.00

Mar 24, 2007
4:51 PM EDT