my god my god i cant belive i watchedvthat
no constructive criticism can posibley come o this cos i hated it lol
Last time was left in a cliff hanger. (See episodes 1 and 2). Now it resolves but leaves you curious again!
In one scene, a goombas legs don't stop moving. That's purposely so it looks like it's struggling to get up.
Review, and submit it to a collection.
my god my god i cant belive i watchedvthat
no constructive criticism can posibley come o this cos i hated it lol
Good story, bad graphics.
The story was good, but the graphics of it could use a bit more work and It'll be good.
I would usally give a movie like this a straight up zero, but I have to admit you got me a little intersted in the story. It could deffinatly be "cleaner" and more thought out.
One thing..
Since there's "seemingly infinite" mario parodies. We can only afford good quality flash for mario. Sorry. But hey, you have potential, try harder next time.