that was O.K
well not the best I've ever seen ... but you are a good animator! next add sound. I did laugh though, so good enough in my book.
A random guy pushing randomly appearing buttons, totally irregardless of completely random warning signs, and an anvil to boot!
This is my first entry to the portal, and I'm sorry for the lack of audio. I just couldn't find any of the right sound effects or background music, everything I tried simply made the flash worse. So here it is, in all it's muted glory.
I'd actually like some feedback on the character, so when you're done yelling at me for the lack of audio it would be appreciated if I could get some feedback. I'd also love it if someone could point me in the direction of some nice sound effects, as I'm pretty much a chicken running around with my head cut off trying to find some (my abilities extend to google, which gives me nothing, sadly).
that was O.K
well not the best I've ever seen ... but you are a good animator! next add sound. I did laugh though, so good enough in my book.
It was predictable, there was no sound, but the timing was great! I loved this-- 5 stars, babe-
Fun Times
I like, lack of sound really cost you here. The character has potential and I can honestly say you are one of the best animators I've had the privelege of reviewing
Needs more salt
I really like your drawing style, but yeah... this would have been a heck of a lot better with some sound.
Needs sound
in your comments I know you said you couldn't find the rigth sounds, which is fine, but this would be even more hilarious with sound of course.