your chibi is adorable dude! good work. hey next time can you do a star sign chibi with all the star signs?
Chibi Josy travells into the world of video games, she will make you laught for sure ;)
She's so cute
your chibi is adorable dude! good work. hey next time can you do a star sign chibi with all the star signs?
Very well done, all the work was cleanly executed
i liked the random games it was invovled in, but an original game or movie can be done with it very easily with the talents you have
thank you i will someday realise an entire movie or serie for it a serie full of chibis!^^
that was crazy...
lucky for you i like crazy...
lucky for you I'm crazy! :P ^^ thanks a lot hihihi
wow...sumones taking shrooms xD
great game dood!
id have given it a 5/5 but!!!!!
you killed mario!!!!!!
HOW COULD YOU?!!?!?!?!
3/5 :]
well thank you guys! hihi sorry I killed Mario it was an accident! :s lol
I'm happy you like it ^^