yet another kitty krew...failure
u totally stole that from the impossible quiz, at least the impossible quiz is funny, that is obviously a rip off, can't u make sum gud flashes 4 a change?
At the end there is a code that you recieve that you can PM to me and get your name on the winners list.
This is ANOTHER one of my quaility KK submmissions.
I know some of you guys know I have all quality KK flash so I know youll like this quiz, And that it gets passed.
WINNERS LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yet another kitty krew...failure
u totally stole that from the impossible quiz, at least the impossible quiz is funny, that is obviously a rip off, can't u make sum gud flashes 4 a change?
Nice !
But because of the actionsquirrels I had to rightclikck>forward 7th question, otherwise I wouldn't finish quiz... It's nit like I hate you guys, most of your submissions are really funny, but actionsquirrel DOES kills unborn babies... Sh*t, I'm out of toic again, so... The song is great !
Got Impossible Quiz?
Grr! You stole even more of my life... Although vastly less than the impossible quiz, I've spent in total about 8 hours on that motherfucker and I'm still only at question eighty-something... GAAAAAAAH
Well I guess this was OK compared to your other claimed to be "Quality" Flashes. It was a tiny bit more interesting but still a lot could have been done such as a little clean-up. You guys have the potential to do better... SHOW THE WORLD YOUR TRUE POWER! ^_^ It's kind of strange how people are copying another "quiz".
constuctive stuff
don't quote a question from something else
everything else:
134rt56 is the code
how do you join the kk?
NOw everyone send me all the answers and a screen shot of you completing it.
Other wise you wont be addeed.
And No you cant join.