Liked it...
...nothing groundbreaking but the talent shows. Laughed and thats a plus. Nice job,..enjoyable.
A look at an upcoming animation I'm working on, called "Blunts".
Liked it...
...nothing groundbreaking but the talent shows. Laughed and thats a plus. Nice job,..enjoyable.
Definitely room for improvement
The preview was short, and could have been more encouraging. You may or may not have an interesting plot in mind; we can't really tell. Your sense of humour may or may not make up for the quality of animation; we can't really tell. The music is kinda nice, but not jaw-dropping.
At any rate, previews are kinda an iffy submission anyways. Hopefully your project will soon be complete, so it can be fully and fairly judged, so don't let this blam discourage you! Keep working! =)
Nothing against your upcoming flashes
That was a bad preview. it didn't make me want to watch the main flash preview and previews are just bad, make full length films and don't bother with them. I have only seen one good preview on newgrounds.
Just make the main flash movie, no preview unless its a piece of genius work, which that wasn't
Well I'm not sure what I just watching but I kinda liked it. It was...strange to look at but strange is the norm here on NG. You have my curiosity peaked anyway.