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Brink of Alienation: IV

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>----===----< incoming transmission >----===----<
****Before you play this game, prepare to play, because it seriously takes approx. 40mins to beat :)**** if you want to donate to paypal: account is quailman@comcast.net. We'll credit you in next game
Guys, we have been working on this game for over a year! I can't believe it has been that long, but I am so happy that is is finally done! You will see why this game took so long, and why it is the best in the series yet!!! I am so proud of this game and everyone who worked on it, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. Your support is what keeps this series alive, and truly has had a big impact on our games!
Someday I hope to bring one of my games to console, and the support from armorgames and newgrounds, and you guys, might make that dream come true. Until then, please enjoy this game, and visit www.ratubaworld.com for more updates!!

For our next game, we are looking for artists to join our team. Visit our site to see how you can apply.


Transmission over.

>----===----< incoming transmission >----===----<
Incoming transmission: Soldier #876-MMO Cyrus McCormic
Soldier, We have lost contact with your platoon. We can only assume the worst, and that we will never hear from them again. We have picked up your life signal, and have noticed you are somewhere in the swamp region of the Kragolyte planet. Thousands of our men are dying out there, you must continue to fight. You have a new agenda; reach the alien spaceport and intercept their mothership. Do not look back, stay alive at all costs. We fear this may be the last saga in our long battle for independance. You're human kind's last hope.

-Ex General Barns

Transmission over

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lmfaooooooo at the Donald Trump mention (wrote on the day of the 2024 election)

A fucking C L A S S I C

I love this game because of the music and it was a part of my childhood and if anyone knows what happened to: grant cerulo, the players guide and B.O.A please let me know, and tell me the kragolytes origin and what their names are if anyone knows please let me know becuase i want to know their origin and names

This game is rather nostalgic.

good but there's a glitch in the last level, you can fall off the (rather poorly drawn) ledge and survive, making the game unwinnable

Credits & Info

4.36 / 5.00

Mar 13, 2007
9:09 PM EDT