That was Hilarius I know you probly only spent like 1 hour on it was pretty good 5
:P Bit random, but enjoy.
My first proper flash that isn't claymation :P
That was Hilarius I know you probly only spent like 1 hour on it was pretty good 5
thats just random
but funny!
pretty nice!
the song is catchy, and the graphics and animation weren't bad either.
[Message for miketv101: if you don't have a real review to write then shut up]
youre an idiot.
thanks :P
Well this was cute and funny, but i thought it was way too short, Since it was so "SHORT" I would suggest to improve on the flash short you could add more shorts and put them all on one flash instead of just the one, but having alot in one flash would make it more entertaining, and make the flash longer with more to see. anyways notbad of a short though.
Add more to it.