Blarg! Do you even understand the concept of writing?!
It was ok, I gave it a 3 and all, but still! Why?!
This is the third episode of Jeff's Journeys, We're currently working on remaking the first episode using these graphics and a totally new storyline, you can look at the first two episodes of jeff's journeys by searching for them if you really want to, but they aren't that good...
Blarg! Do you even understand the concept of writing?!
It was ok, I gave it a 3 and all, but still! Why?!
Awsome graphics.
The graphics are awsome, the voice acting is great and the music is great. Great plot.
Liked it.
I see the potential of a whoel series, but this is the third episode? Confusing stuff. Maybe you should have waited till the other two were fixed and submitted.
Either way, nice work.