"Yes, yes I am actually from England"
Same here ^^
Oh, and even though this is coming from someone who's still learning how to animate at all ( ehe ^^;;) just take as long as you need. Masterpieces are never rushed.
Can't wait for ep. 6 ^^
WARNING SPRITE MOVIE, AND AN EXTREAMLY BORING ONE AT THAT!!! Since episode 6 is taking a while (computer and... you guessed it, voice actor trouble) I thought I'd do some commentary on TPS episode 1 to show people that I'm not dead. Sorry for the bad audio, I'm trying out a new microphone, hopefully my lines in episode 6 will be clearer. Enjoy, if you can.
"Yes, yes I am actually from England"
Same here ^^
Oh, and even though this is coming from someone who's still learning how to animate at all ( ehe ^^;;) just take as long as you need. Masterpieces are never rushed.
Can't wait for ep. 6 ^^
^_^ It's nearly finished, it's about 80% done.
A voice over?
hmmm...where to begin? Well, your sprites aren't very pretty to start with. It's very obvious that the dialogue was written by an amateur(no offense). The commenting was really unnecessairy, making it harder to read the lignes, plus you often talk to close to the mic. The plot has no real interest in it. No music to add a mood to it.
Better luck next time.
Yeah, it is pretty boring but keep in mind this isn't the real first episode; the other episodes are a lot better then episode 1 was.
I don't know about this one. Its a little "mono" if you know what I'm saying. Not really anything to follow, so for me it kinda fell apart.
I know. It is pretty boring.