Good work!
I even chuckled a bit.
Poor second guy being hit in the face wth a flying arm (lol)
this took me 4 hours to make because of stupid technical difficaulties. hope u enjoy. :)
-Blood, Background movement, and Blur Test. Please rate those three aspects of the video in a responce please and thank you.
Good work!
I even chuckled a bit.
Poor second guy being hit in the face wth a flying arm (lol)
Wow that was serious! The stick was running really hard too. Well overall look of the flash is pretty good, and the graphics made a difference. The sound was good, would been nice to see more of where his other parts went but overall nicely done.
review per your request
Blood...looked ok, but it was going a bit fast to givee a more accurate review (I know it was supposed to be fast paced)
Background...there wasn't really enough background
Blur...the blur was fine, if you could make the individual shadows(?) smaller so they flowed together a bit more it would looked a little smoother.
ty. and also, i was to lazy to fix any thing, so its all done without erasing and stuff. and by background i meant the way the background moved.
not to bad
The graphics and stuff wert to bad but next time include a little bit of a story line to what’s happening and it would be more interesting.
i said it was only a test dummy