great, and rolleth, let's see YOU do a flash and see how good it is i bet you can't do anything better then this.
A stick fight Collab Me, Psycho-SFP and taylor-92 did.
great, and rolleth, let's see YOU do a flash and see how good it is i bet you can't do anything better then this.
Sum 41
Hell Song- Sum 41
I Love that song, but teh animation is tooooooooooooooooooo short! U need 2 make this longer!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second flash today that I was forced to question why... but rather than flaming you I shall just go down the list
Graphics - They were the best you could get with a sloppy stick fighter thing. Which sadly isnt very good, however you guys at least seem to have a decent idea about the basics.
Style - It was a stick fighter. Not very original nor stylish so I cant exactly give you a large score here. Not much I can say here other than if your going to do something with sticks come up with something new.
Sound - Wasnt able to place the song... song wasn't bad though. However i gave you a low score because it didnt seem to fit the flash too well, not only that but was the same for all three ... shorts...
Violence - really short, not really any 'good' violence. But again you have the basics so its all good. Im not expecting gold from you r first shot at this. Actually not bad for it.
Interactivity - None
Humor - None
Overall - Not bad for your first submission. Cant really expect much more however you guys really need to work on length. Usually if your going to have a collab with only three people than you need to make each one about a minute or so not ten seconds. Anyways just keep trying and hope to see better stuff in the future.
- Rolleth
Soory guys but why on earth did you post this up. its embarrising its too short and not interesting enough realy to post on here. don't post anything else we put on untill we get a good, long animation!
Animation was poor to average. And the way people are kicking ass with flash these days, I expected something better. Wait, No I didn't. Oh, and uh, you spelled collab wrong.