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Battlemachy: Jade Bandit

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We hope you like Battlemachy: Jade Bandit. High scores will motivate us to get started on the next episode so give it the best rating you can. Have fun!

Important! If the game won't play or flickers, you need to upgrade Flash. Goto http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer


Level four is really tough, but its doable. Here's the basic strategy. Keep dodging shots while you capture one turret. When you have that capture the second turret. Use both turrets to wipe out the guards.

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It's a really good game with a lot of potential. The guys below me may rate it bad but I really like the controls because they offer a really good challenge for aiming and dodging. Maybe in the next games like this you will make 2 options for controls?

This is the first time I've felt a need to write a

Why anyone would make the mouse control everything on a railshooter is beyond me. There's a reason not all concepts have been done, it's because they don't work.

And your advice in the author's comment is useless as the controls. Too shoot at the turrets and dodge you have about a fourth of an inch to maneuver in, the only way is to go from one side of the screen to the other taking a few shots here and there which is ridiculous.

nice try but...

the only way this game would work, with having to follow a line, is to have movement seperate from the mouse, like "wasd" or the arrow keys. at first, it's okay but when you get to about the fifth level, you have so much shit flying at you it's absolutely impossible. props to anyone who was able to finish this game, but i seriously couldn't get past the 6th level

not the best.......

this game looks fantastic. it looks like an early ds game, and i can tell you put alot of work into it. but the controls are awful, the game is slow, and too short. you never feel in control and its near impossible to hurt anything.

Very fun game but has horrible controls...

Sure, this game is pretty great. But it has horrible controls. It's really annoying when you're attacking someone and the paused menu popped up because your mouse went out of the game box. Next time, make option to use keyboard controls on next episode. I rate this 5/10. The game is great but controls is horrible.

Credits & Info

3.46 / 5.00

Mar 2, 2007
12:42 AM EST