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Author Comments

A disgruntled NG user makes a disturbing post. I was as crazy enough to go along with the idea.

Actual Thread: http://www.newgrounds.com /bbs/topic.php?id=446004

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It was your thread. Which was pretty funny the first time I saw it. But this flash isn't.

I'm surprised that it's decently put together. The sprite work wasn't half bad. Just not entertaining to anyone except yourself, I think.

OH MY ...

I laughed so hard...even though i know jackshit about AS, i did know that much...
Who´s account was that, that was deleted?
Nicely done , a parody so to say!
Keep em coming.So i´ve got more to laugh at


the flash was alright...but i don't think people want to see you get revenge on somebody.

Jdid112 responds:

NO! It's not revenge. Just a funny thread I crossed over. Very funny indeed.

Poo Humor

It wasn't the best, it wasn't the worst. I did appreciate the flow of the clip. Very smooth. Not very creative but u pulled it off. I would allow u to make another clip and see what u'd come up with.

Jdid112 responds:

THankyou. I plan on flashing again too. This was my first submission in a long time.

Credits & Info

1.88 / 5.00

Mar 1, 2007
5:09 PM EST