Nothing happens..
Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.
Nothing happens..
what were you thinking?
when you made this flash, what were you thinking, did you think it'd be good? why didn't you want to do one that's more interesting or atleast where something more happens than a background moving....
gay dick
I'm confused...
Is something wrong or am I just too impatient? Nothing is happening except the moving blue background and stationary puppets. May I remind you that Newgrounds isn’t an art gallery but an animation site.
May I remind you that you should choke on a huge fucking dick.
any idiot could do this
You have basically drawn a picture and slapped on some music. What hope did you ever have that this would get protected?
You obviously don't know who I am.