What beautiful music and style
What kind of gel does your drawing use to hold the afro up? A commemoration of everything beautiful in afroman's flashes.
What beautiful music and style
What kind of gel does your drawing use to hold the afro up? A commemoration of everything beautiful in afroman's flashes.
Heh. Decent drawing.
I liked the shading on his face - good colours - but some shading on the torso and maybe a collar on that outfit would have worked well.
Is that meant to be a trophy in his hands?
Regardless, it's a fun little homage, but unfortunately really offers no surprises of its own. Some crazier outfits or something may have made it funnier.
Not that the ATWI80D series was about big surprises...
<3, AfroStud! :D
Not much too say since the entry only has 1 image of AfroStud. Nevertheless, all hail to AfroStud for his super natural b/p spped. May the days that he rules NG b/p wise come soon! :D
I'm sure you can do better
The drawings that you did yourself are good. That's about it. This can barely be called an animation.
Try this:
instead of just a single image of a character pasted on a screenshot of NG with music playing, what about animating yourself worshiping a shrine of his stuff.
gtfo and learn what it atwi80
what a homage!
kinda wierd tho....
Graphics 5 : because the afro hitler loked kinda cool
Style 0 : because theres too many strange things like this
Sound 3 : im sorry i just hate that song :(
Violence 0 : no violence... simple as that :D
Humor 6 : AFRO HITLER!!!! and sex on the beach?
Overall 3 : Sorry its just too wierd for me
i guess you dont know about what this flash is about