this is great
It's an tutorial, and its about using some pro painting skills.
My english sucks hard, i cant think anything to put in this commentary.
this is great
This was really helpful, I understood some of the uses of grouping things. Now I feel better able to create shaded objects. My only question is what version of Adobe Flash you were using, because I could not figure out how to get the radial gradient to start from the right of the thrid group rather than the center. I'm using Adobe Flash CS3. But questions aside, this is a useful tutorial.
Me inglish beeter, guy. XD
Ótimo tutorial, cara. =]
(E não, eu até que manjo de ingles. XD)
my english is gooder(lol,better)
hmmm...nuss,é dificil pra caramba...mas funciona xD
it was a competent tutorial/ teaching method. Yes you need somewhat of a background in flash, but if you know what he pointed out you need to know at the beginning you should be fine. The reason i didn't give it a higher score is the english (just cause you cant spell well doesn't mean you cant have someone check it) and the fact i didn't like how complicated your actual style was. I think that this style could only be used an fairly simple animations, not lifelike ones, so it is fairly limited. I do like your teaching style though, and would like to see more tutorials by you. Perhaps on something a little more complicated than shading.